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Donald Trump’s base explodes in anger at him

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Donald Trump’s ghostwriter says his crimes are “far beyond anything anyone currently imagines”

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Hillary Clinton responds to Donald Trump’s rant by suggesting he’s illiterate

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Donald Trump’s biggest cheerleader has meltdown, says Trump just committed “political suicide”

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

GOP leader: Donald Trump has “blown up” and “destroyed” his own base

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

As his world crashes down on him, Donald Trump has total late-night Twitter meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 09/13/2017

Donald Trump is in total freefall

By Bill Palmer | 09/13/2017

Robert Mueller is destroying Michael Flynn’s entire family to get to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/13/2017

New evidence confirms Steve Bannon is knee-deep in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 09/13/2017

Laurence Tribe: an “avalanche” of Trump-Russia indictments is coming, with Donald Trump as co-conspirator

By Bill Palmer | 09/13/2017


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