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Jeff Sessions just became the saddest little elf

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Ann Coulter melts down and calls for Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

That didn’t last long: so much for the “new” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Donald Trump has gone totally berserk over the Russia scandal, blames “idiot” Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Donald Trump is now blaming his incompetence on bad cellphone reception

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Unraveling Donald Trump admits his border wall is a fence, or he thinks it’s already been built, or something

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Cocaine is one hell of a drug

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Chuck Grassley calls Donald Trump’s bluff, breaks out the subpoenas

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Donald Trump’s base explodes in anger at him

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017

Donald Trump’s ghostwriter says his crimes are “far beyond anything anyone currently imagines”

By Bill Palmer | 09/14/2017