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Donald Trump unwittingly tips off that the mother of all bombshell scandals is about to land

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Trump family meltdown: Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr, and Eric’s wife Lara all go off the stupidity deep end

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

The Russians have sold out Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

All five living former U.S. Presidents to make joint public appearance tonight

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Donald Trump goes off conspiracy deep end as Robert Mueller breathes down his neck

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Donald Trump handed Niger to ISIS in a fit of racist buffoonish rage

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Investigators zero in on Donald Trump’s self-confessed intermediary with Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Kellyanne Conway decides to remind us all what an idiot she is

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Now we know exactly what Donald Trump was referring to when he said “calm before the storm”

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Donald Trump administration ignored U.S. military’s repeated requests for help in Niger before deadly attack

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017


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