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Robert Mueller closing in on verifying Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Republican Senator Bob Corker goes for Donald Trump’s knees after “moron” debacle

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Donald Trump has surreal meltdown after it’s revealed Rex Tillerson called him a “moron”

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Donald Trump boots John Kelly off Air Force One, amid talk of his impending resignation

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Rex Tillerson calls Donald Trump a “f*cking moron” and has one foot out the door

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Donald Trump, Russia, Paul Manafort, and Facebook all connected to the rigged election in Michigan

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Donald Trump sticks his foot in his mouth (again) in Las Vegas shooting

By Bill Palmer | 10/04/2017

Sebastian Gorka picked a fight with Congressman Ted Lieu. Guess who won.

By Bill Palmer | 10/03/2017

Donald Trump timidly disrespects Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico to her face

By Bill Palmer | 10/03/2017

Revealed: how the Donald Trump campaign and Russia conspired to rig Michigan and Wisconsin

By Bill Palmer | 10/03/2017