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Another major candidate endorsed by Donald Trump is going down in flames

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Donald Trump humiliates himself during meeting with military Generals

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Mike Pence and Rex Tillerson are now at war with each other

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Donald Trump panics as Robert Mueller’s team meets with the Pee Pee Tape guy

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Amid talk of resignation, Donald Trump throws John Kelly under the bus in hacking scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Donald Trump’s Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao busted in corruption scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Kellyanne Conway now target of House Oversight investigation

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Donald Trump gives away that he’s panicking about the Senate Intel Committee and Russia

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Donald Trump defends Russian media, calls for American media to be investigated, in unhinged rant

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017

Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown involving Rex Tillerson and Geraldo Rivera

By Bill Palmer | 10/05/2017