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Mike Pence has sold out Donald Trump in the Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2017

Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2017

This is what will finish Donald Trump off

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2017

Donald Trump tries to blame his own failures on an imaginary hospitalized Senator

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2017

Donald Trump announces that he’s the real victim in Puerto Rico crisis

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2017

John McCain calls Donald Trump’s bluff on his Puerto Rico corruption

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2017

Trump cabinet member Tom Price, caught up in corruption scandal, wishes he had this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2017

‪Donald Trump makes idiotic remark about Puerto Rico‬

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2017

The next level of Resistance against Donald Trump

By Wendy Luxenburg | 09/28/2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes unfortunate remark about NFL protests

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2017


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