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Jared Kushner hits the panic button after two key players begin cooperating with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

Sean Spicer is now cooperating with Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

Carter Page has a meltdown after he’s subpoenaed in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

An Open Letter to Men regarding “Me Too”: It’s time for you to man up.

By Wendy Luxenburg | 10/17/2017

Investigators are busting Carter Page like a piñata to get to Donald Trump in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

Here’s just how weakened Donald Trump has become

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

“Deranged animal” – Donald Trump gets shredded for lying about dead U.S. soldiers

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

“Stop the damn lying” – former Attorney General rips into Donald Trump for disrespecting the military

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

John McCain rips into “half baked” and “unpatriotic” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017

So much for Donald Trump giving a damn about the military, the troops or the flag

By Bill Palmer | 10/17/2017