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Donald Trump’s Niger scandal tied to Russian sanctions and Blackwater’s private army

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

John McCain declares nominee-blocking, subpoena-hurling war against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

George W. Bush and the other four living former U.S. Presidents have something cooking against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

General John Kelly crosses the line and joins Donald Trump in the gutter

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

John McCain joins with Democrats to stick it to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

Donald Trump’s Niger scandal just turned into a (real) Benghazi scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

Donald Trump doesn’t understand what numbers are

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2017

Jeff Sessions unwittingly gives away Donald Trump’s pardon strategy

By Bill Palmer | 10/18/2017

Fake Melania Trump? Some think Melania is being impersonated by a Secret Service agent who looks like her

By Bill Palmer | 10/18/2017

Former CIA Director John Brennan says Russian hackers had American help in rigging the election

By Bill Palmer | 10/18/2017