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Donald Trump, with his back against the wall on Niger, is acting like he’s high on cocaine again

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

Donald Trump goes on Fox News and has incoherent meltdown about Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

Senile Donald Trump brags that he only represents “rich people” – then incoherently babbles about Putin

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

John McCain may be plotting to get Ivanka Trump fired

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

House Republicans desperately try to protect Donald Trump from his Niger scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

Senate abruptly postpones Trump-Russia hearing as Robert Mueller closes in

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

Donald Trump goes off the deep end trying to distract from his Niger scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

Report: House Republicans planning to begin impeachment once first Trump-Russia indictment lands

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

‪Donald Trump’s obsession with President Obama is leading to his demise‬

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017

Donald Trump’s handpicked CIA Director Mike Pompeo is looking guilty as hell in the Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/20/2017


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