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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

Donald Trump unleashes reckless, bizarre, traitorous Trump-Russia endgame

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

GOP insider: Donald Trump thinks Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus sold him out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

‪Donald Trump revokes visa of key witness who testified against him in Trump-Russia scandal‬

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

Donald Trump just spitefully handed Michael Flynn every reason to flip on him

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

Legal expert: Donald Trump is tweeting himself closer to criminal charges by the hour

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

House Republican: Donald Trump is “messing with the wrong woman”

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

Donald Trump Jr continues his pattern of saying racist and sexist things about black Congresswomen

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Donald Trump makes offensive remark during funeral of Sgt. La David Johnson

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Donald Trump tweets bizarre garbage as five former U.S. Presidents make joint public appearance

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017

Donald Trump launches desperate last ditch bid to prevent his advisers from flipping on him

By Bill Palmer | 10/21/2017


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