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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

Donald Trump’s coverup and distractions have failed: Niger just officially became a massive Trump scandal

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

Donald Trump screws up and admits how popular President Obama is

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

Donald Trump reaches new racist low, spends all morning attacking black people

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

Why the Resistance should be glad Robert Mueller is investigating John Podesta’s brother

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

As Donald Trump’s Russia scandal closes in, James Comey goes public with his secret Twitter account

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

As his scandals close in on him, Donald Trump takes first step toward murdering his political opponents

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

John McCain goes for Donald Trump’s jugular

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

As his Niger scandal explodes, Donald Trump has demented meltdown over fake poll about fake news

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

Donald Trump Jr goes off the delusional deep end as his father goes down in flames

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017

Jimmy Carter is playing Donald Trump like a fiddle

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2017


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