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Donald Trump just tipped off how afraid he is that Reince Priebus is selling him out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

Now we know why Donald Trump and Julian Assange were so desperate last week to distract from Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

Is the Washington Post playing rope-a-dope with the Trump Russia dossier?

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

Here are the next Republican Senators to publicly come out against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

Mike Pence’s conveniently timed disappearing act

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

How Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and John McCain can put Donald Trump out of business tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

Prosecutors move to bust Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner like a piñata

By Bill Palmer | 10/25/2017

Investigators drop the hammer on Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | 10/24/2017

White House staffers panicking about “cranky” Donald Trump’s deteriorating mental state

By Bill Palmer | 10/24/2017

Republicans move to take down GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher as Trump-Russia scandal closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | 10/24/2017


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