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The one small detail in yesterday’s arrests that ensures Robert Mueller can take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Robert Mueller may have found his opening for arresting Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

As Robert Mueller moves in, Mitch McConnell panics and telegraphs his own Trump-Russia guilt

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Trump adviser Sam Clovis appears before grand jury: he’s either flipped or he’s about to be arrested

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Donald Trump goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Preet Bharara says Donald Trump’s advisers are in even deeper trouble than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Robert Mueller moves in on the Trump-Russia cooperating witness he really wants: Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | 10/30/2017

As Robert Mueller moves in on Donald Trump’s finances, he suddenly suggests he won’t seek reelection

By Bill Palmer | 10/30/2017

Sean Hannity completely loses it on air after Trump-Russia arrests

By Bill Palmer | 10/30/2017

Report: Donald Trump is “seething” and completely melting down as the walls cave in on him

By Bill Palmer | 10/30/2017


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