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Donald Trump may have just tipped off who’s about to get arrested next

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Former Trump adviser admits Donald Trump is completely “f—ed”

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

The testimony of Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer just got a whole lot uglier for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

There’s something incredibly suspicious about Donald Trump, Russia, and the New York City terrorist attack

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Robert Mueller finds intensely personal way to put the screws to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Jeff Sessions is so very, very screwed

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Donald Trump is screwed as his claims about George Papadopoulos are blown out of the water

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Paul Manafort indictment exposes Russian spy’s involvement with Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Fact check: did Robert Mueller send George Papadopoulos undercover in London last week?

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017

Report: amid Trump-Russia arrests, Donald Trump begins inquiring about resignation

By Bill Palmer | 10/31/2017


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