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Donald Trump is under the delusion that he’s not under investigation. This will be his downfall.

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Ivanka Trump’s life just went to hell

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

After Trump-Russia arrests begin, Donald Trump Jr panics and melts down

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Donald Trump makes panic moves to protect Michael Flynn, suggesting imminent arrest

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Proof surfaces that Donald Trump has been lying about the Trump-Russia dossier all along

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

After arrests, Donald Trump goes full “maniac” and his advisers now think he’ll be impeached

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Corey Lewandowski correctly predicted Paul Manafort and Rick Gates arrests. Now he’s naming two more people.

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Plot twist: Donald Trump is going to prison because of Hillary’s emails

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

Corey Lewandowski goes berserk live on air after learning he’s been implicated in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017

How the Republican Congress got completely snookered by the Trump-Russia arrests

By Bill Palmer | 11/01/2017


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