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Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia arrests have worked: everyone is suddenly flipping on everyone

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Carter Page just used his testimony to throw Jeff Sessions under the Trump-Russia bus

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Robert Mueller appears to be targeting Mike Pence after all

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Amid Trump-Russia arrest chaos, Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account gets deleted and then reappears

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Looks like Sam Clovis has indeed flipped on Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Carter Page testifies in Trump-Russia scandal, blows it badly, may have just blown the whole thing wide open

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Donald Trump’s billionaire backer Robert Mercer hits panic button, seems to think he’ll be arrested

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Jeff Sessions admits he lied about Russia – and it may have just gotten another Trump adviser arrested

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Jared Kushner cooperating with Robert Mueller on Donald Trump criminal conspiracy charges

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017

Here comes the part where Robert Mueller goes for Donald Trump’s jugular

By Bill Palmer | 11/02/2017


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