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George Papadopoulos isn’t the only Trump-Russia player who’s cut a deal with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

As Robert Mueller closes in, Donald Trump announces one last desperate move involving Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Donald Trump’s tweet plunges Saudi Arabian government into regime-changing chaos

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Shortly after Jared Kushner departs Saudi Arabia, major arrests are now underway

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Now we know Robert Mueller is going after Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Robert Mueller may have just found a way to flip Paul Manafort against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

DNC internal memo directly refutes Donna Brazile’s claims about the Democratic primary race

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Robert Mueller is targeting the Trump-Russia guy who could flip on Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Has Jeff Sessions already cut a deal with Robert Mueller against Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017

Ivanka Trump’s nightmare trip from hell

By Bill Palmer | 11/04/2017


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