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Carter Page confesses, confirms key claim in Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Carter Page admits to taking Russian money during election, implicates Donald Trump and Hope Hicks

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Michael Flynn is facing kidnapping charges, and Paul Manafort is facing murder charges

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Michael Flynn has already been indicted

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Donald Trump’s head is about to explode

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Robert Mueller’s job security just skyrocketed today

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Donald Trump may have just incriminated himself and Jared Kushner in Saudi Arabia arrests

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

As the walls cave in on the Donald Trump administration, Betsy DeVos prepares her resignation

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Multiple resignations from Donald Trump administration said to be imminent after latest Russia leaks

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017

Donald Trump Jr could be facing bribery charges

By Bill Palmer | 11/06/2017


Latest from Bill Palmer