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Paul Manafort blows it, may have to cut a deal against Donald Trump after all

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Robert Mueller knows something about Stephen Miller and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Donald Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller panics after realizing he blew the Pee Pee Tape scandal wide open

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the committee that will impeach Donald Trump, abruptly announces retirement

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Donald Trump’s bodyguard makes startling admission about Russian prostitutes and the “Pee Pee Tape” trip

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s ultimate berserk meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Here’s how you know Donald Trump is a goner

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Donald Trump’s bodyguard spends hours testifying about the Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | 11/09/2017

Steve Bannon circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | 11/08/2017

Court records suggest Robert Mueller is ready to arrest at least seven more Trump-Russia people

By Bill Palmer | 11/08/2017


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