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Sally Yates rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2017

CIA Director Mike Pompeo has had enough, speaks out in direct defiance of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2017

Donald Trump makes major new move to cripple Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2017

Donald Trump opens his big mouth and blows his Trump-Russia cover

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2017

Report: Stephen Miller’s resignation may be imminent

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2017

Steve Bannon completely loses it in new interview and starts babbling about hobbits

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2017

The clearest sign yet that Russia has given up on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/10/2017

Michael Flynn’s oddly specific denial in Trump-Russia kidnapping plot may have given something away

By Bill Palmer | 11/10/2017

The strange quiet before the Trump-Russia storm

By Bill Palmer | 11/10/2017

Now we know why Robert Mueller went straight for Stephen Miller

By Bill Palmer | 11/10/2017


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