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Donald Trump goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | 11/15/2017

Jeff Sessions has no idea what to do now

By Bill Palmer | 11/15/2017

Donald Trump’s latest deranged tweet might be his most offensive yet

By Bill Palmer | 11/15/2017

Mike Pence is completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2017

Donald Trump is going down in a heap of self delusion

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2017

Did Vladimir Putin just take down Donald Trump Jr?

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2017

Roy Moore, Jeff Sessions and an increasingly disturbing Alabama Senate race

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2017

Is Robert Mueller investigating Sean Hannity?

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2017

Mitch McConnell just signaled that he wants Roy Moore to lose the Alabama Senate race

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2017

This is probably the week we say goodbye to Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 11/12/2017


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