
Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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FBI Director strikes back at Donald Trump, hires prosecutor Trump just tried to get rid of

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2018

Robert Mueller is about to drop something huge

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2018

Democrats set a trap, and Donald Trump just walked into it

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2018

Jeff Sessions has sold out Donald Trump to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2018

Failed firings and threats of resignation: Donald Trump’s disastrous White House spins out of control

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2018

Donald Trump begins late night taunting, has no idea he just lost the budget standoff

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2018

Melania Trump bails on Donald Trump after Stormy Daniels scandal worsens

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2018

Jeff Sessions caught in new criminal scandal, may have to cut a deal with Robert Mueller against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2018

George Papadopoulos fiancee confirms there’s a whole lot more Trump-Russia dirt

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2018

Robert Mueller’s job just got a whole lot easier

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2018