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Ivanka Trump tweeted some really weird Thanksgiving advice. It didn’t go over well.

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017

Looks like Russia has found a new way to pay Donald Trump’s legal bills

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017

This is going to be Donald Trump’s most whacked out weekend yet

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017

Donald Trump campaign now facing accusations of cyberterrorism, kidnapping, murder and other crimes

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017

Donald Trump is out of gas

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017

The guy behind the Trump-Russia dossier reveals how the Kremlin snuck money to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2017

‪After she bailed on Donald Trump’s Asia trip, Melania mysteriously turned up alone in Alaska‬

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2017

Jared Kushner tried to cover up communications during the election with suspected Russian mobster

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2017

Legal expert says Jared Kushner will end up “doing hard time”

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2017

New evidence says Robert Mueller is even further ahead of everyone than we all thought

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2017


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