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Cocaine is a hell of a drug

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

After Trump-Russia witness appears to flip on him, Rudy Giuliani mysteriously surfaces in Ukraine

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

Berserk Donald Trump is simultaneously Twitter-feuding with GOP Senator and basketball player’s father

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

Donald Trump has his most berserk racist Twitter meltdown yet

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

Republican Senator calls for Democrat to win Alabama Senate race

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

The real reason Robert Mueller hasn’t yet arrested Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

Report: as Trump-Russia scandal unravels, Russian President Vladimir Putin considers quitting

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

As Donald Trump heads to Mar-a-lago for Thanksgiving, Russian oligarch arrives in West Palm Beach

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2017

Robert Mueller has a confirmed sealed indictment in place and it’s probably against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017

Donald Trump reveals just how bad of a place he’s in

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2017


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