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Revealed: Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump and his cronies runs far deeper and wider than we ever imagined

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

Donald Trump’s handlers have him trapped in an oblivious bubble as Robert Mueller takes him apart

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

As the Trump-Russia scandal explodes, Donald Trump panics and calls up Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

Robert Mueller moves to crush Jared Kushner like a grape

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

Donald Trump screws up and hands the Resistance the chance to use Roy Moore to destroy him

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

Donald Trump’s handlers fear he’ll implode in a ball of rage as Robert Mueller closes in

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

Donald Trump loses white supporter after his racist attack on black NFL star Marshawn Lynch

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2017

Key witness against Michael Flynn and Donald Trump has vanished

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2017

The real reason Robert Mueller is sitting on a sealed indictment of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2017

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster caught calling Donald Trump an “idiot”

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2017


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