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Billy Baldwin accuses Donald Trump of acting inappropriately toward his wife

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s ultimate meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Robert Mueller’s persistence pays off as he finally gets his man

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Michael Flynn’s attorneys reveal he’s negotiating a deal with Robert Mueller against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Robert Mueller is now pursuing Donald Trump on charges that sound a lot like treason

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving speech reveals he’s either on drugs or he needs to be

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Donald Trump Jr screws up and makes Thanksgiving even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Donald Trump’s story about LaVar Ball’s son completely falls apart

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Things get ugly between Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Confirmed: Donald Trump did nothing to get LaVar Ball’s son released from China

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2017


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