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Did Donald Trump just publicly threaten Michael Flynn’s safety?

By Bill Palmer | 11/24/2017

Michael Flynn just ruined Mike Pence’s life

By Bill Palmer | 11/24/2017

Hours after Michael Flynn reveals he’s cutting a deal, Donald Trump makes suspicious phone call

By Bill Palmer | 11/24/2017

How Donald Trump drove Michael Flynn into the arms of Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 11/24/2017

The Trump-Russia feeding frenzy begins

By Bill Palmer | 11/24/2017

Donald Trump’s pathetic response after learning Michael Flynn has sold him out

By Bill Palmer | 11/24/2017

Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, and the pardon that never was

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving from hell

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

This is the part where Jared Kushner squeals like a pig and Donald Trump goes down

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017

Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr, and Jared Kushner are all now completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2017


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