
Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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GOP Senator accuses Trump White House of tricking him into writing statement about Rob Porter

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2018

Everything hits the fan for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2018

The real reason Rick Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2018

The laws of politics are going to finish off Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

John Kelly is caught up in a whole new scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

Donald Trump’s latest FBI conspiracy theory promptly blows up in his face

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

The clever reason Robert Mueller is prioritizing obstruction over Donald Trump’s other crimes

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

Robert Mueller’s Valentine’s Day surprise

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

Donald Trump aide forced to resign amid violent scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

Donald Trump begins attacking the stock market on Twitter, causing it to drop further

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018