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British Prime Minister and other key U.S. allies slam Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2017

Did Donald Trump just admit he’s been blackmailing the chairman of NBC News?

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2017

Donald Trump begins his demented endgame strategy

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2017

Donald Trump tries to create distraction by accusing “Morning Joe” Scarborough of murdering a woman

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2017

Donald Trump is confused

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2017

John Kelly shows up at Capitol Building in middle of night

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2017

Donald Trump finally realizes he’s a goner

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2017

Donald Trump is saying racist things about President Obama again, as Trump-Russia scandal panic sets in

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2017

Robert Mueller gets ready to play the Art of No Deal

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2017

Paul Manafort may have just taken down a Republican legislator in Florida

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2017


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