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Robert Mueller’s holiday gift to the American people: even more Trump-Russia indictments

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

Donald Trump has found a disgusting way to personally profit from his endorsement of Roy Moore

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

How Robert Mueller is using Deutsche Bank to prove Russia bought off Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

The media feeding frenzy about Donald Trump firing Robert Mueller is out of control

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

Robert Mueller reveals he’s taking down Mike Pence along with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

Robert Mueller just played Donald Trump like a fiddle

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

Jared Kushner tries his last hurrah as the walls cave in on him

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

Donald Trump reveals he’s scared out of his mind

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

New evidence reveals Sean Spicer is completely hosed in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017

Bizarrely timed leak surfaces just hours before Donald Trump Jr is set to testify in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 12/05/2017


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