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Donald Trump reaches shocking new low, sexually harasses Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2017

Donald Trump is going off the deep end behind the scenes about new sexual assault allegations

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s deranged meltdown about Nikki Haley

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2017

Steve Bannon has total meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2017

Steve Bannon tells Ivanka Trump to go to hell

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2017

It’s finally Steve Bannon’s time in the barrel

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2017

Donald Trump has yet another meltdown, reminds us how racist and homophobic he is

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2017

Looks like Michael Flynn has given Robert Mueller evidence that Donald Trump directed him to commit crimes

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2017

Donald Trump is a frog boiling in water

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2017

Robert Mueller’s marathon finally turns the corner

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2017


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