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Something huge is about to break

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

Lindsey Graham, now directly doing the Kremlin’s bidding, begins publicly defending Russia

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

Donald Trump’s own people begin throwing Eric Trump under the bus

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

Even more chaos behind the scenes for Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

“I’m done with all these lies”: Donald Trump’s data director Brad Parscale has angry meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

At least six of Donald Trump’s key White House staffers are on verge of resigning

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

If Russia is blackmailing Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley, here’s how it got to each of them

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

Donald Trump would love to have this tweet back about Steve Bannon

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

Robert Mueller has detailed notes about obstruction from a top Donald Trump White House official

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018

Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley resort to desperate criminal stunt to try to save Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2018