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Report: Donald Trump’s remaining advisers have “snapped”

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

Donald Trump is so far gone, he doesn’t know the National Anthem

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

Is Lindsey Graham trying to signal to us that he’s being blackmailed?

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

Donald Trump’s remaining advisers sink deeper into panic mode

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

New bombshell reveals Robert Mueller is much further ahead than anyone thought

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

Jeff Sessions is trying to finish the job

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

Donald Trump’s lawyers just fed him to Robert Mueller’s wolves

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

The Real Traitors of Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | 01/08/2018

Robert Mueller’s next big move

By Bill Palmer | 01/07/2018

Donald Trump has bizarre late night “consensual” tantrum

By Bill Palmer | 01/07/2018