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Donald Trump aide forced to resign amid violent scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

Donald Trump begins attacking the stock market on Twitter, causing it to drop further

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

No, Donald Trump, these new texts are not “bombshells” you idiot

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

It’s Mueller Time

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2018

Donald Trump signals that he thinks his Russia scandal is about to get him

By Bill Palmer | 02/06/2018

Yep, Steve Bannon has cut a deal with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 02/06/2018

Donald Trump creates such an ugly mess on Twitter, his staff has to try to clean it up for him

By Bill Palmer | 02/06/2018

Robert Mueller is much further along than you think he is

By Bill Palmer | 02/05/2018

Donald Trump has a whole new scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/04/2018

What the heck did Reince Priebus just do?

By Bill Palmer | 02/04/2018