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Donald Trump holds disastrous press conference about alleged wife beater Rob Porter

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

Mass exodus underway tonight from Donald Trump’s failing White House

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

Donald Trump and Hope Hicks now appear to be feuding with each other

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

The real reason Rachel Brand is resigning from Donald Trump’s Department of Justice

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

What happened to Sarah Huckabee Sanders yesterday?

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

Donald Trump Jr is so totally screwed

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

These people are disgusting

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

Donald Trump blows it

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2018

Donald Trump’s own former top people are suddenly eating him alive

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2018

Donald Trump launches into crazed late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2018


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