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White House adviser screws up and admits that Donald Trump knew about Rob Porter allegations

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Yep, they’re going to prison

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Kellyanne Conway steps in it

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

There’s something off about Donald Trump’s latest tweets

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Donald Trump falls down and hits his head

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Donald Trump Jr goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Donald Trump reveals he’s scared to death of Hope Hicks

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

No, the Resistance is not eroding

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Is John Kelly looking at prison?

By Bill Palmer | 02/11/2018

Donald Trump tips off a major Trump-Russia bombshell

By Bill Palmer | 02/10/2018