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Now we know why Donald Trump’s White House Counsel tried so hard to cover for Rob Porter

By Bill Palmer | 02/16/2018

Steve Bannon has spent the past week selling out Donald Trump to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Donald Trump’s Stormy Daniels scandal becomes even more disastrous for him

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Mike Pence wigs out

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Confirmed: Rick Gates has spilled his guts to Robert Mueller about Donald Trump and Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

There’s a whole new Melania Trump scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Wait, Trey Gowdy is doing what?

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Jared Kushner is even more of a liability than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Donald Trump’s backbiting lawyers are trying to destroy each other

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2018

Donald Trump’s latest moment of shame

By Bill Palmer | 02/14/2018


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