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Now we know that Donald Trump Jr is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Here comes the part where Robert Mueller takes apart Donald Trump’s family

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Robert Mueller signals to Jared Kushner that he’s toast

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Yet another Donald Trump official forced out in scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Donald Trump might as well have just confessed

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Mike Pence has a whole new Trump-Russia problem

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Donald Trump’s pardon endgame is upon us

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Robert Mueller has even more aces up his sleeve than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Everything hits the fan

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018

Donald Trump’s latest rabid meltdown goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2018


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