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Down goes Jared Kushner

By Jack Walsh | 02/27/2018

Ivanka Trump’s life just fell apart

By Bill Palmer | 02/27/2018

Donald Trump’s ALL CAPS meltdown gives away that he thinks the gig is up

By Bill Palmer | 02/27/2018

The real reason Donald Trump just sold out Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | 02/27/2018

Republicans double down on a fight they can’t win

By Sonya Daniel | 02/27/2018

Yep, Hope Hicks has cut a deal with Robert Mueller against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/27/2018

Donald Trump and his Russian bots

By Virginia Kugel | 02/27/2018

History will not be kind to Donald Trump

By Brittnie Vorwerck | 02/27/2018

Donald Trump’s cabinet sucks even more than you think

By Tim Faulkner | 02/27/2018

Rick Santorum is back and he’s found a new way to embarrass himself

By Reem Al-Omari | 02/27/2018


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