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Former Trump adviser Sam Nunberg and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are now attacking each other in real time

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Donald Trump doesn’t know what just hit him in the Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Sam Nunberg just admitted that Donald Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Donald Trump adviser Sam Nunberg says he’s going to prison in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Confirmed: Russia vetoed Mitt Romney and ordered Donald Trump to appoint Rex Tillerson instead

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Robert Mueller has a grand jury underway against Roger Stone and Julian Assange

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Sam Nunberg’s on-air meltdown just blew the Trump-Russia scandal wide open

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018

Donald Trump’s crime spree

By Joe Corbett | 03/05/2018

Donald Trump is out to lunch

By Marilyn Mariola Hunt | 03/05/2018

Steve Bannon is getting the last laugh against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2018


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