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Secret Service and ambulance descend on Russian Embassy in Washington DC

By Bill Palmer | 03/08/2018

Donald Trump has bizarre Twitter gaffe involving The Apprentice

By Bill Palmer | 03/08/2018

Jared Kushner’s bizarre trip to Mexico goes off the rails

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2018

Looks like Donald Trump flat out stole the $130,000 from his campaign and from Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2018

Robert Mueller has a bullseye on Erik Prince. It’s time for Donald Trump and Jared Kushner to panic.

By Tim Faulkner | 03/07/2018

Stormy Daniels appears to have some, ahem, unfortunate photographic evidence of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2018

Robert Mueller, Donald Trump, and the Russian spies dropping like flies

By Gina Bradbury | 03/07/2018

Donald Trump is so far gone, he doesn’t even know what he’s obstructing anymore

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2018

Hurricane Stormy Daniels just hit Donald Trump

By Lola Shahdadi | 03/07/2018

Robert Mueller now has Betsy DeVos’ brother Erik Prince nailed in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2018


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