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Felix Sater just became Donald Trump’s biggest nightmare

By Tim Faulkner | 03/14/2018

Donald Trump’s nomination of Mike Pompeo is about to backfire on him spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | 03/14/2018

Donald Trump just blew his own alibi

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

Sean Spicer makes unintentionally hilarious typo about Donald Trump firing Rex Tillerson

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

Turns out Felix Sater has been Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia mole the entire time

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

Donald Trump fires his own personal assistant who’s under criminal investigation, immediately rehires him

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

There’s something really, really weird going on with Donald Trump’s Twitter account

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

Robert Mueller obtains key new cooperating witness for taking down Roger Stone and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

Betsy DeVos, her strangely timed 60 Minutes interview, and her role in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018

Donald Trump goes utterly Bonkers McBonkers

By Bill Palmer | 03/13/2018


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