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Cambridge Analytica is in new Trump-Russia trouble, and the Mercers are making panic moves

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Donald Trump’s remaining handlers spent Sunday trying to keep him from further self destructing

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Republicans in Congress came out of the woodwork today to attack Donald Trump. They know something.

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Donald Trump goes off deep end, gives away he knows Robert Mueller has him nailed

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Has Jeff Sessions cut a deal with Robert Mueller?

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Robert Mueller now has Donald Trump right where he wants him

By Tim Faulkner | 03/18/2018

Here’s how Rex Tillerson and H.R. McMaster get their revenge on Donald Trump

By J.H. Norton | 03/18/2018

James Comey fires back at Donald Trump after Andrew McCabe firing

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Now we know why Donald Trump just went berserk about Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

Donald Trump has meltdown after learning Andrew McCabe already gave everything to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 03/17/2018


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