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Cambridge Analytica’s bribery and sex worker scandal just blew Trump-Russia scandal wide open

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2018

Did Donald Trump just acknowledge he’s going to prison and his properties are going to be seized?

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2018

Donald Trump has absolutely no idea what he’s doing

By Gordon Groft | 03/19/2018

John Kelly makes bizarre move as Donald Trump meets with his replacement

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2018

GOP trips over itself as Donald Trump falls down

By Tim Faulkner | 03/19/2018

Jeff Sessions is in even deeper Trump-Russia legal trouble than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2018

Donald Trump’s paranoia toward his own advisers has officially backfired

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2018

Lordy, I hope there are tapes

By Joan Brekken | 03/19/2018

Looks like President Obama is working to clean up Donald Trump’s international messes behind the scenes

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2018

The Robert Mueller – Donald Trump showdown is upon us

By Frank V. D'Ambra | 03/18/2018


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