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Sean Hannity isn’t going to survive Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Tim Faulkner | 03/22/2018

Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia tentacles are ensnaring Donald Trump from all sides

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Donald Trump’s “snow day” goes off the rails

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

The real reason Robert Mueller just gave immunity to a key Trump-Russia witness

By Bill Palmer | 03/21/2018

Jeff Sessions just blew it, and he may have finally punched his ticket to prison

By Bill Palmer | 03/21/2018

The real reason Donald Trump is scared of Stormy Daniels

By J.H. Norton | 03/21/2018

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown about Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 03/21/2018

Roger Stone’s former pal Randy Credico rats him out in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 03/21/2018

There’s something very weird about Cambridge Analytica’s work for Donald Trump and Ted Cruz

By Bill Palmer | 03/21/2018

Trump-Russia figure Erik Prince isn’t getting out of this one

By Bill Palmer | 03/21/2018


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