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Rod Rosenstein holding major Trump-Russia press conference

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Donald Trump set himself on fire today: resignations, firings, sheer pandemonium

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Donald Trump’s meltdowns reach their breaking point

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Donald Trump campaign’s data firm Cambridge Analytica admits to knowing some voting results in advance

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Donald Trump Jr is on the criminal hot seat, just days after his wife filed for divorce

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Russian with ties to Donald Trump pleads guilty

By Gina Bradbury | 03/22/2018

Congressman Ted Lieu talks Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia contingency plan

By Bill Palmer | 03/22/2018

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia outs Jared Kushner as his puppet

By Tim Faulkner | 03/22/2018

What H.R. McMaster has up his sleeve against Donald Trump

By Virginia Kugel | 03/22/2018

Sean Hannity isn’t going to survive Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Tim Faulkner | 03/22/2018


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