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Donald and Melania Trump spending time apart after Stormy Daniels interview

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

Life, liberty and the pursuit of the NRA

By Frank V. D'Ambra | 03/24/2018

Roger Stone is going down for a whole lot more than perjury

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

Donald Trump’s latest hire for his Trump-Russia legal team is already falling to pieces

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

The real reason Donald Trump is so afraid of Trump-Russia cooperating witness George Nader

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

Donald Trump cowers as everything hits the fan

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

March For Our Lives sees Donald Trump running and hiding

By Tim Faulkner | 03/24/2018

Melania Trump publicly snubs Donald Trump ahead of Stormy Daniels interview

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

Steve Bannon and the Mercers are so busted

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018

It took Donald Trump all of ten hours to completely fall to pieces

By Bill Palmer | 03/24/2018


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