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Paul Ryan stumbles through bizarre Twitter incident

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Now we know why Robert Mueller gave immunity to Trump-Russia witness George Nader

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes into hiding

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Donald Trump finally tweets about Stormy Daniels, and it doesn’t even make sense

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Turns out Donald Trump’s hiring of John Bolton is all about Cambridge Analytica and Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Stormy Daniels looms large for Donald Trump. Robert Mueller’s grand jury looms larger.

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Amid bribery scandal, GOP Congressman says he thinks Paul Ryan is resigning as Speaker

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Melania Trump issues weird statement after Stormy Daniels interview airs

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

The other shoe in the Donald Trump – Stormy Daniels saga is about to drop

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018

Donald Trump’s election cheating scandal gets even uglier – and even more illegal

By Bill Palmer | 03/26/2018


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