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Donald Trump gives cabinet position to Dr. Ronny Jackson, who claimed Trump only weighed 239 pounds

By Bill Palmer | 03/28/2018

Lordy there are tapes – and Robert Mueller confirms he has them

By Bill Palmer | 03/28/2018

The great Cambridge Analytica hoax

By Bill Palmer | 03/28/2018

Donald Trump runs smack into the rule of law

By Tim Faulkner | 03/28/2018

Frozen in fear by his mounting scandals, Donald Trump is no longer even functioning inside the White House

By Bill Palmer | 03/28/2018

Now we know why Paul Manafort is suddenly trying a Hail Mary against Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 03/28/2018

Rick Gates admits he and Paul Manafort committed treason on Donald Trump’s behalf

By Bill Palmer | 03/27/2018

The Sarah Huckabee Sanders disappearing act just got even weirder

By Bill Palmer | 03/27/2018

Republicans in Congress took bribe money from UAE, and Robert Mueller has them nailed

By Bill Palmer | 03/27/2018

The real reason Kellyanne Conway’s husband is suddenly attacking Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/27/2018


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