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Donald Trump reveals he’s a coward, paralyzed by fear, as his scandals close in on him

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Jeff Sessions sells out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Donald Trump’s attorney’s attorney may now need an attorney

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Fox News host Laura Ingraham panics as she loses advertisers after attacking Stoneman Douglas student

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Robert Mueller zeroes in on Republican National Convention

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Robert Mueller reveals he doesn’t need Paul Manafort to take down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Melania Trump says she wants out

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Donald Trump’s weird attack on Amazon gives away something about Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Paul Manafort, you’ve been played

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2018

Donald Trump has finally figured out he’s on borrowed time

By Tim Faulkner | 03/29/2018


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