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Donald Trump finally begins talking about Stormy Daniels, immediately gets caught in lie

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

Donald Trump’s goons are taking each other down like a bad episode of Game of Thrones

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

Donald Trump’s ‘caravan of drugs’ meltdown goes even further off the rails

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

If this new report about Jared Kushner is true, he’ll die in prison

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

Is Melania Trump the next to go?

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

Robert Mueller’s newly revealed end-run for taking down Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | 04/05/2018

Donald Trump mistakenly celebrates terrible news for him in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bruce C. Cohen | 04/05/2018

The laws of politics will take Donald Trump down in the end

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

Third divorce in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2018

GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher at center of Trump-Russia conspiracy

By Tim Faulkner | 04/05/2018


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