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Paul Ryan’s resignation sets up Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

Wait, did Steve Bannon just flip again in the Trump-Russia scandal?

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

Jill Stein caves in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

Donald Trump’s nomination of Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State is already unraveling

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

GOP Congressman calls Donald Trump an “evil Forrest Gump”

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

Robert Mueller’s real power play reveals itself

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

The real reason the FBI is targeting the Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

The real reason Paul Ryan is quitting

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

Donald Trump goes on rampage, confesses to obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018

Robert Mueller pokes the bear

By Bill Palmer | 04/11/2018


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